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Work Craft

The most widespread meaning of the word "craft" is that which covers the economic sector of manufacture of decorative objects often made manually with traditional materials and tools, by a local workforce. For example, the definition adopted by UNESCO for handicrafts is: "Crafts are products made by craftsmen, either entirely by hand or using hand tools or even mechanical means, provided that the direct manual contribution of the craftsman remains the most important component of the finished product.

the manufacture of the work

The special nature of handicrafts is based on their distinctive characteristics, which can be utilitarian, aesthetic, artistic, creative, cultural, decorative, functional, traditional, symbolic and important from a religious or social point of view1. In some countries the bricklayer and the electrician are legally recognized as craftsmen. There are so many variations, in the definitions of craftsmanship (where they exist) and how to deal with this type of economic sector through the companies and men that make it up, that there are two countries.